As you can tell, I haven’t posted in over a year and a half. I started this blog back up a few months before attending my first CodeMash. It was a week of exhaustion and immersion that kind of changed me for the better. ZAGG Studios, Ltd. (The company I own with Missy) photographed the event. We knew it’d be a bit crazy, but I think it surpassed our expectations. CodeMash is amazing. They have 4 days of developer talks ranging across a wide range of technologies and languages. I really feel that there is something for everyone at CodeMash, but that is also the problem from the photography side. There are sooooo many sessions… It’s kind of crazy. About halfway through, I wasn’t sure I’d make it. I had these visions of Missy having to drag me out after I collapsed, but I was having the time of my life. We met tons of people from all kinds of backgrounds. I got to sit in on a few sessions. It helped me with some small struggles I’ve had with impostor syndrome. It was this crazy blur of a week, but we signed back on to shoot CodeMash 10. In between CodeMash v2.0.1.5 and CodeMash 10, I focused on contributing to StackOverflow, completed my first year with the day job I took after leaving my iOS support position at Apple, and we found a new favorite vacation spot. CodeMash 10 rolled around. We trimmed back the number of sessions we shot in order to focus on quality and health/well-being. Ha ha. CodeMash 2015 really was a bit crazy for us. This time around, we had a year of experience under our belts, friendships from the year prior, and nicknames. CodeMash 10 was comfortable. We made it through with relative ease and even did some testing with video for some key events. If you want to poke around the pictures, you can look at them here. Other than my developer/photog life, I bought a new motorcycle this year which I’m sure will be featured on here more. I think this blog is going to transform once again as I include more of my daily thoughts and photography (especially 360 photography). I also hope to get back into the habit of posting regularly. Stay tuned!